Machine Foundations

Chapter 2. Block Foundation

2.4 Veletsos Model

Impedance parameters

Figure 2.4.1a Block Foundation Equivalent Radius

Figure 2.4.1b Block Foundation Notations

This model first introduced by Veletsos in 1973 for a circular rigid disk setting on a viscoelastic half space. Further studies were carried on to account for the effect of soil material damping and the effects of the footing embedment on the soil. The impedance terms introduced are frequency dependent and can be expressed in the form,

ki=ki+iωci {k_i}^* = k_i + i \omega c_i

Eq. 2.4.1

In this expression, ki {k_i}^* is the frequency dependent impedance, ki k_i is the static stiffness for the i-th degree of freedom, ω \omega is the circular frequency of the vibration, ci c_i is the damping constant for the i-th degree of freedom, and i i is the complex numbers operator and is equal to 1 \sqrt{-1}. Expressions for vertical, horizontal, rocking, and torsional degrees of freedom will be presented in this section.

Dimensionless frequency aoi \space a_{oi}

It is very common in the literature to develop the impedance expressions in terms of the dimensionless frequency aoi \space a_{oi} defined as,

aoi=ωRiVs=ωRiρG a_{oi} = \frac{\omega R_i}{V_s} = \omega R_i \sqrt{\frac{\rho}{G}}

Eq. 2.4.2

Vertical Degree of Freedom v v

The vertical degree of freedom impedance can be expressed as,

kv=GR[Cv1+iaovCv2] {k_v}^* = GR \Big[ C_{v1} + i a_{ov} C_{v2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.3

In Eq. 2.4.2, the terms Cv1 C_{v1} and Cv2 C_{v2} can be expressed as,

Cv1=(41ν)((1χv C_{v1} =\Big(\frac{4}{1-\nu} \Big) \Big(\Big(1-\chi_v-
R12)γ4aovγ3aov2) \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \Big)\gamma_4 a_{ov}-\gamma_3 a^2_{ov} \Big)

Eq. 2.4.4

Cv2=(41ν)((R+12)γ4+ C_{v2} =\Big(\frac{4}{1-\nu} \Big) \Big(\Big(\sqrt{\frac{R'+1}{2}} \Big)\gamma_4 +
ψv+βmaov) \psi_v + \frac{\beta_m}{a_{ov}} \Big)

Eq. 2.4.5

R R' is a factor to account for material damping,

R=1+βm2 R' = \sqrt{1+\beta_m^2}

Eq. 2.4.6

βm \beta_m is the base soil damping ratio, and χv \chi_v is defined as,

χv=γ1(R+R12γ2aov)(γ2aov)2R+2R12γ2aov+(γ2aov)2 \chi_v =\frac{\gamma_1 \Big(R'+\sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \gamma_2 a_{ov} \Big) (\gamma_2 a_{ov})^2}{R'+2 \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \gamma_2 a_{ov}+(\gamma_2 a_{ov})^2}

Eq. 2.4.7

ψv \psi_v is defined as,

ψv=γ1γ2(R+12)(γ2aov)2R+2R12γ2aov+(γ2aov)2 \psi_v =\frac{\gamma_1 \gamma_2 \Big(\sqrt{\frac{R'+1}{2}} \Big) (\gamma_2 a_{ov})^2}{R'+2 \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \gamma_2 a_{ov}+(\gamma_2 a_{ov})^2}

Eq. 2.4.8

ν \nu is Poisson's ratio, and γi \gamma_i are numerical coefficents that depend on Poisson's ratio.

Horizontal Degree of Freedom u u

The vertical degree of freedom impedance can be expressed as,

ku=GR[Cu1+iaouCu2] {k_u}^* = GR \Big[ C_{u1} + i a_{ou} C_{u2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.9

In Eq. 2.4.2, the terms Cu1 C_{u1} and Cu2 C_{u2} can be expressed as,

Cu1=(82ν)((1R12)α1aou) C_{u1} =\Big(\frac{8}{2-\nu} \Big) \Big(\Big(1-\sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \Big)\alpha_1 a_{ou} \Big)

Eq. 2.4.10

Cu2=(82ν)((R+12)α1+βmaov) C_{u2} =\Big(\frac{8}{2-\nu} \Big) \Big(\Big(\sqrt{\frac{R'+1}{2}} \Big)\alpha_1 + \frac{\beta_m}{a_{ov}} \Big)

Eq. 2.4.11

α1 \alpha_1 is a numerical coefficent that depend on Poisson's ratio.

Rocking Degree of Freedom ψ \psi

The vertical degree of freedom impedance can be expressed as,

kψ=GRψ3[Cψ1+iaoψCψ2] {k_{\psi}}^* = GR^3_{\psi} \Big[ C_{\psi1} + i a_{o{\psi}} C_{\psi2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.12

In Eq. 2.4.2, the terms Cψ1 C_{\psi1} and Cψ2 C_{\psi2} can be expressed as,

Cψ1=(83(1ν))((1χψβ3aoψ2) C_{\psi1} =\Big(\frac{8}{3(1-\nu)} \Big) \Big(\Big(1-\chi_{\psi}-\beta_3 a^2_{o{\psi}} \Big)

Eq. 2.4.13

Cψ2=(83(1ν))(ψψ+βmaoψ) C_{\psi2} =\Big(\frac{8}{3(1-\nu)} \Big) \Big( \psi_{\psi} + \frac{\beta_m}{a_{o{\psi}}} \Big)

Eq. 2.4.14

χψ \chi_{\psi} is defined as,

χψ=β1(R+R12β2aoψ)(β2aoψ)2R+2R12β2aoψ+(β2aoψ)2 \chi_{\psi} =\frac{\beta_1 \Big(R'+\sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \beta_2 a_{o{\psi}} \Big) (\beta_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2}{R'+2 \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \beta_2 a_{o{\psi}}+(\beta_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2}

Eq. 2.4.15

ψψ \psi_{\psi} is defined as,

ψψ=β1β2(R+12)(β2aoψ)2R+2R12β2aoψ+(β2aoψ)2 \psi_{\psi} =\frac{\beta_1 \beta_2 \Big(\sqrt{\frac{R'+1}{2}} \Big) (\beta_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2}{R'+2 \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} \beta_2 a_{o{\psi}}+(\beta_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2}

Eq. 2.4.16

βi \beta_i are numerical coefficent that depend on Poisson's ratio.

Torsional Degree of Freedom η \eta

The Torsional degree of freedom impedance can be expressed as,

kη=GRη3[Cη1+iaoηCη2] {k_{\eta}}^* = GR^3_{\eta} \Big[ C_{\eta1} + i a_{o{\eta}} C_{\eta2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.17

In Eq. 2.4.2, the terms Cψ1 C_{\psi1} and Cψ2 C_{\psi2} can be expressed as,

Cη1=(163)A C_{\eta1} =\Big(\frac{16}{3} \Big) A

Eq. 2.4.18

Cη2=(163)B C_{\eta2} =\Big(\frac{16}{3} \Big) B

Eq. 2.4.19

A A is defined as,

A=1b1(R+R12b2aoψ)(b2aoψ)2R+2R12b2aoψ+(b2aoψ)2 A =1- \frac{b_1 \Big(R'+\sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} b_2 a_{o{\psi}} \Big) (b_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2}{R'+2 \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} b_2 a_{o{\psi}}+(b_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2}

Eq. 2.4.20

B B is defined as,

B=b1b2[R+12(b2aoη)2]R+2R12b2aoψ+(b2aoψ)2+βmaoη B =\frac{b_1 b_2 \Big[ \sqrt{\frac{R'+1}{2}} (b_2 a_{o\eta} )^2 \Big] }{R'+2 \sqrt{\frac{R'-1}{2}} b_2 a_{o{\psi}}+(b_2 a_{o{\psi}})^2} + \frac{\beta_m}{a_{o\eta}}

Eq. 2.4.21

The constants in these equations are b1=0.425 b_1 = 0.425 and b2=0.687 b_2 = 0.687 .

Effect of Foundation Embedment

Figure 2.1.1 Effect of Embedded Foundation

Because footing are normally embedded in the soil for normal construction methods, the effect of full or partial embedment in the soil must be studdied. The effect of embedment is a very complex topic with lots od studies in the literature. The most credible and somewhat straignforward to implement method is introduced in this section. This method estimates the impedance of the side layer in a similar fashion to the estimated impedance of the base soil then add the two quantities together to obtain the adjusted impedance of the overall foundation.

The complex dynamic empedance of the side layer can be expressed using the following equations, vertical impedance,

kev=Gsl[Sv1+iaovSv2] {k^*_{ev}} = G_s l \Big[ S_{v1} + i a_{ov} S_{v2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.22

Horizontal impedance,

keu=Gsl[Su1+iaouSu2] {k^*_{eu}} = G_s l \Big[ S_{u1} + i a_{ou} S_{u2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.23

Rocking impedance,

keψ=GsRψ2l[Sψ1+iaoψSψ2] {k^*_{e{\psi}}} = G_s R^2_{\psi} l \Big[ S_{{\psi}1} + i a_{o{\psi}} S_{{\psi}2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.24

Torsional impedance,

keη=GsRη2l[Sη1+iaoηSη2] {k^*_{e{\eta}}} = G_s R^2_{\eta} l \Big[ S_{{\eta}1} + i a_{o{\eta}} S_{{\eta}2} \Big]

Eq. 2.4.25

In the above equations, the terms Si1 S_{i1} and Si2 S_{i2} can be determined approximately from Table 2.4.1, if the value of the dimensionless frequency aoi a_{oi} is less than 2 (aoi<2.0 a_{oi} < 2.0) for two categories of side layers, cohesive and granular.

DOFSoil TypeSide Layer Si1S_{i1} Side Layer Si2S_{i2}
VerticalCohesiveSv1=2.7S_{v1} = 2.7Sv2=6.7S_{v2} = 6.7
VerticalGranularSv1=2.7S_{v1} = 2.7Sv2=6.7S_{v2} = 6.7
HorizontalCohesiveSu1=4.1S_{u1} = 4.1Su2=10.6S_{u2} = 10.6
HorizontalGranularSu1=4.0S_{u1} = 4.0Su2=9.1S_{u2} = 9.1
RockingCohesiveSψ1=2.5S_{\psi 1} = 2.5Sψ2=1.8S_{\psi 2} = 1.8
RockingGranularSψ1=2.5S_{\psi 1} = 2.5Sψ2=1.8S_{\psi 2} = 1.8
TorsionCohesiveSη1=10.2S_{\eta 1} = 10.2Sη2=5.4S_{\eta 2} = 5.4
TorsionGranularSη1=10.2S_{\eta 1} = 10.2Sη2=5.4S_{\eta 2} = 5.4

For the broader range of aoi a_{oi} values, mathematical expressions involving Bessel functions of the first and second kinds are available in the literature. Due to the complexity of these expressions, they will not be introduced here, however, it is implemented in the impedance calculator provided in section 2.5 of this course.